Cosmo, eucaristia e attività umana. Riflessioni teologiche a partire da “La Messa sul Mondo” di Teilhard de Chardin
Teilhard, Eucharist, Work, Sacred and ProfaneAbstract
From the reading of The Mass on the World (1923), the authors reflect theologically on the relations among creation, Eucharistic cel-ebration and human work. The article out-lines the genesis of Teilhard de Chardin’s prayer, the spirituality of work contained in it, and its revival by the papal magisterium. It illustrates how the common priesthood can be exercised in the Eucharistic celebration, and how this exercise affects daily life. Finally, it shows that in Christian worship there is no opposition between “sacred” and “profane” but continuity, with understandable consequences even outside the Eucharistic celebration.