La sinodalità secondo J. Ratzinger-Benedetto XVI. La Chiesa è sacramento, non parlamento


  • Rudy Albino de Assunção


The theme of synodality has a significant place in the theological work of J. Ratzinger-Benedict XVI: particularly in his texts devoted to the teaching of the Second Vatican Council, to ecclesiology and ecumenism, and finally to the theology of ordained ministry. My exposition of his thought follows this path: el theologian’s view of the way the early Church was structured, of Vatican II and the Synod of Bishops, of the 1983 canonical legislation that refers to the Synod, and, finally, of the ecclesial democratization movements that marked the post-Conciliar period. To conclude, I summarize the pillars of Ratzinger’s conception of synodality within his more general perspective, which is his Eucharistic ecclesiology 

