La sinodalidad de la Iglesia en la época de los Padres


  • Paweł Wygralak


The article discusses the synodal activity of the Church in Christian antiquity. Already St. Luke in the Acts of the Apostles describes the deliberations of the Council of Jerusalem, during which the problem of the Antiochian conflict was resolved. However, the real development of synodal life took place in the second century, when, in the face of various problems affecting the Christian communities, the bishops decided they could only remedy them in the community. The essence of the assembling synods and councils was their collegiality. All participants of the synods had a right to express their opinion and everyone signed the adopted resolutions. Making decisions, they were convinced that they were assisted by the Holy Spirit. The purpose of the assembling councils and synods was to discuss doctrinal and disciplinary issues and problems. Because of the multiplicity of matters dealt with by councils and synods, the article indicates only the most important of them. The analysis of the contents of the synod documents that have survived to this day allows us to conclude that the synod fathers dealt primarily with the current problems bothering ecclesial communities. However, it is difficult to find in them any indications concerning the planning of the pastoral activity of the Church

