Il destino dell’umanesimo: il terzo (incluso) come relazione tra umano e sociale


  • Pierpaolo Donati


In the human and social sciences that address the dilemmas of the relationships between what is human subjectivity and what is required by society, today two tendencies prevail: on the one hand, the human and the social are considered as opposites according to a dualistic or binary code, and, on the other hand, they are fused together so that their distinctions are canceled or made circular. Consequently, the ontologically constitutive relationality of both the human and the social in which the Third resides is removed. This removal causes a widespread dehumanization of social life. A new humanism is possible only on condition that we connect the human and the social through the Third as an emerging effect of their relationship. This means going beyond the theological matrices that support monistic and dualistic cultures, and therefore do not foresee or deny the Third, to affirm a humanism based on a theological matrix of the Third included.




