L’ultima cena di Gesù era pasquale? Un’ipotesi da riconsiderare


  • Giorgio Faro


In this essay, something is described of the complexity of the Jewish world, on the solemnity of the Passover, and of the recurring dilemma that divided different sects and traditions, when a solemnity came to coincide with the Sabbath. Here a thesis of M.J. Lagrange is re-evaluated, which would explain how the Last Supper was an anticipated Easter supper of a small number of Jews (including Christ and his disciples), without presupposing a divergence between Pharisees and Sadducees, which is instead supported by who wants to rely on the H.L. Strack and P. Billerbeck thesis. The two German scholars try to smooth out the apparent discrepancy between the synoptics (especially Matthew and Mark) and John, assuming two different Easter solemnities, celebrated on different and consecutive days: Friday (Pharisees) and Saturday (Sadducees).




