Classics of priestly spirituality: recent critical scholarship concerning the Treatise on Holy Orders


  • John Barres


Sommario: I. The 1984 Ctitical Edition of The Treatise on Holy Orders: the Project and its Conclusions concerning J.-J. Olier’s Theology and Spirituality of Priesthood: 1. L. Tronson’s Authorship of The Treatise on Holy Orders. 2. The History of Editions of The Treatise on Holy Orders. 3. The Significance of The Treatise on Holy Orders. 4. Tronson’s Method of Redaction of Olier’s Writings. - II. The Reception of the 1984 Critical Edition of The Treatise on Holy Orders into Critical Scholarship: 1. Kenan B. Osborne, Priesthood. A History of the Ordained Ministry in the Roman Catholic Church, Paulist Press 1988. 2. W. Thompson, Bérulle and the French School. Selected Writings, Paulist Press 1989. 3. Y. Krumenacker, L’école française de spiritualité. Des mystiques, des fondateurs, des courants et leurs interprètes, Les Éditions du Cerf, 1998. 4. Conclusions about the Reception of the 1984 Critical Edition of The Treatise on Holy Orders into Critical Scholarship.




